Revolutionary Families: Parenting Heroes

Is There Hope For The "Problem Child"

Episode Summary

How do we help our "Problem Child?"

Episode Notes

Sometimes we equate having children to having problems! 

And that can actually be part of the the issue - how we see our own children. Of course all children have problems.  All adults do as well! Yet somehow we get in our heads that our kids should be doing better than we ever did as kids. Or at the very least we expect them to be doing better than they are.

We forget that to learn, to grow, to master, takes repeated practice.

And as we reframe our expectations with that in mind, the Pygmalion Effect kicks in in our favor to work mighty miracles in reconnecting our hearts to theirs so that they feel and know that they belong, that they are beautiful, and that they can overcome.

This is where joy lives!

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